Closeup of Zebra Christmas Decoration in Palm Desert
by Colleen Cornelius
Closeup of Zebra Christmas Decoration in Palm Desert
Colleen Cornelius
Photograph - Digital Art Photograph
"Closeup of Zebra Christmas Decoration in Palm Desert" is a photograph taken at the Living Desert in Palm Desert California December 2016. The photograph is one in the series of images capture the beautiful Christmas Light Presentation of 2016. One of my favorite places to visit for the holidays.
October 24th, 2018
Comments (29)
Claudio Lepri
Sfida vinta. trovo molto interessante questa foto che vuole rendere la natura selvaggia di una animale -la zebra- che viene considerata pacifica, ma non lo รจ. You challenged and you won, Colleen. I think this picture is very able to convey the wild nature of the zebra, animal that we think pacific, but it is not. L/F